If you are having problems getting the buttons and knobs to work, please try the following steps.
When the device is connected and properly configured you will see it appear in the Status window of the RealSimGear plugin like in the image below. The message and command values will changes when you press a button or turn a knob.
When the device is connected and properly configured you will see it appear in the Status window of the RealSimGear plugin like in the image below. The message and command values will changes when you press a button or turn a knob.
- Try clicking the 'Disconnect' button, wait a few seconds then click the 'Connect' button.
- Disconnect the USB cable, wait a few seconds then re-connect. Then try step one above.
- Check your version of X-Plane. There is a known issue with v11.00, please update to the latest version and try again.
- If you have manually edited the 'CommandMapping.ini' file check to see that there are no duplicate entries or other errors. If there are issues with the configuration file you will see 'Command not mapped' in the message column.
- If you are running anything other than Windows 10, it is likely you will need to manually install some additional Windows dependency files. Please check the readme file included in the plugin folder for details and a web link to download and install this.
- Try downloading and installing the Arduino IDE software here. This will install a USB driver that your PC may be missing. After installation, restart your PC and reconnect the device.
- Try a different COM port. It is possible that there is a clash with the COM port number that is assigned by Windows to the device. Open device manager and manually assign to a different COM port.
- Open the Device Manager by typing 'Device Manager' in the Windows search box and clicking on the 'Device Manager' entry.
- Locate the 'Ports' section and find the entry that starts with 'Arduino MEGA...'. Right click and select 'Properties'
- Click on the 'Port Settings' tab then click the 'Advanced' button change the value next to 'COM Port Number' to a higher value. Pick a value that does not have the words '(in use)' next to it.
- Click 'OK', then 'OK' again and you should see that the COM port number is now updated. Disconnect the USB cable, reconnect and check again to see if the device appears in the RealSimGear plugin window in X-Plane.
- If you can not get the plugin to load in X-Plane (ie the RealSimGear menu item is missing from the Plugin menu), check the X-Plane log file which is located in the "C:\X-Plane" folder. If there is an error message here saying that
"RealSimGear-GNSx30.xpl : error code = 126 the specified module could not be found" please download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 here.
- If after trying the above steps you are still not able to get the device connected, please contact us for additional assistance.