Cirrus BATDs

Cirrus Cockpit BATD
The Cirrus Cockpit Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD) is a full-size Cirrus cockpit replica with authentic controls and instruments. The Cirrus Cockpit BATD includes a license for one aircraft model - Commercial Edition SR20, SR22NA, or SR22TN Aircraft model (G3/G5 aircraft) with your choice of a Perspective or Perspective Plus GCU stack. This is the ideal setup for maintaining instrument currency or logging hours towards a certificate or rating with your CFI in a safe and controlled environment.

Cirrus Desktop console BATD
Our Cirrus Desktop Console Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD) is the most modular and compact Cirrus BATD we offer. It provides for all the same functionality as the more expensive Cirrus Cockpit BATD in a much smaller format. Equipped with all key functions represented by actual switches and hardware in the Cirrus Aircraft and a powerful computer system that accurately reproduces the performance and handling characteristics of the actual aircraft. The console is designed to not take up much space and can be easily moved and stored when not in use.

The Cessna aircraft is a popular choice for pilots because of its reliability, versatility, and training. Our Cessna BATD provides for both the Cessna 172 and 182T aircraft. With our Cessna BATD, you can now log time from the comfort of your home, practice your VFR/IFR approaches, get more comfortable with G1000 systems, and work on advanced autopilot usage.

Piper aircraft have a reputation for being reliable, straightforward, and easy to fly, making them popular among many pilots. Our Piper BATD system includes the popular Piper Archer aircraft. Now you can build upon your proficiency while also logging times toward your Private Pilot License and/or Instrument rating and also allow you to maintain your FAA currency.
Basic aviation training device
- What is a BATD? A Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD) is a system that has been approved by the FAA, which allows pilots to log time towards private pilot license, instrument rating, and instrument currency. The beauty of a BATD is that it can be used anytime and does not require the availability of an aircraft or access to an airport. When using any of our BATDs, the FAA allows up to 2.5 hours of BATD usage towards the private pilot license and up to 10 hours of BATD usage toward an instrument rating. Once the instrument rating is achieved, the FAA allows all the currency requirements to be completed on the BATD (6 approaches, holds, missed approaches in 6 months). Now you can complete your private pilot certificate or instrument rating in fewer hours but also practice various scenarios and procedures without incurring the costs of fuel, maintenance, and other expenses associated with flying a real aircraft.

- While student pilots can log up to 2.5 hours of flight time towards their PPL while using an FAA Approved BATD, the real value is familiarizing themselves with the aircraft avionics and practicing the maneuvers learned in the real aircraft. They can lower the cost of initial flight training by mastering their flight concepts, approaches, emergencies, and flows from their home rather than in the actual airplane. In some cases this can substantially reduce the number of hours needed to achieve the PPL.

Instrument Rated Pilot
A BATD can be used by instrument rated pilots to maintain their currency per the FAA requirements. This is often known as the "6 in 6" rule where one must have completed 6 instrument approaches, holds and course tracking within the prior 6 months. Using a BATD instrument rated pilots can not only do this from the comfort and safety of their own location, they can practice many more approaches/scenarios than required, along with emergencies, which will make them a much more proficient pilot as well.

The old saying is a PPL is just a license to learn! Using a BATD system once the PPL has been granted helps keep pilots proficient by allowing them to practice basic flying skills, maneuvers, navigation, and emergency procedures. The more you reinforce your learning with constant practice, the better pilot you will be.

Flight Schools
A BATD can be extremely valuable to a Flight School or FBO as a training aid. Being able to still provide lessons regardless of the weather and cost-effective training resources is indefensible. Students and pilots alike can use the systems for proficiency and concurrency. This can not only help recruit new students, but it will also increase the retention of both student and experienced pilots alike.
What's included
All RealSimGear BATDs are complete plug-and-play systems that come with everything you need to have a fully functioning Basic Aviation Training Device at your home or business. While each one offers different avionics and controls based on the specific aircraft and the intended training use, they all come with standard features like – Cockpit controls, a visual display, a PC, and an instructor station.

Cockpit Controls: Our BATDs include the exact replica of the specific aircraft controls and instruments found in the real aircraft. This may include the yoke, throttle, rudder pedals, and various gauges and displays.
Visual Display: Every BATD includes a visual display system that simulates the view out of the cockpit windows. The choices include a single ultrawide/curved monitor or an optional upgrade to triple screens.
Instructor station: To make this system FAA-Approved we provide a separate instructor station where a trainer can monitor the student's progress and provide guidance and feedback. The instructor station includes controls for adjusting the training scenarios, setting parameters, and grading the student's performance. As an alternative to the instructor station, one can use a free iPad app.
PC: We provide a high-end PC that is designed specifically for use with X-Plane. The system specs provide a great flight experience while allowing for upgrades in the future. Optional upgrades available.

All RealSimGear BATDs includes all the software required for setting up the simulator. We also provide an initial software setup (remotely), configuration, and a tutorial session. Then ongoing RealSimGear will work to ensure the flight sim PC is kept up to date with Windows updates, graphics card updates, simulator, and aircraft updates.
- X-Plane 11 Professional
- X-Plane 12 Professional should be avialable in Q2 of 2023
- Commercial licenses for the aircraft selected
- ** Optional Navigraph FMS Data subscription to keep the navigation databases updated
- ** Optional PilotEdge software to allow real time communication with live ATC services
first class - Premium support
Even before your purchase, we provide exceptional customer service, and most calls and emails are responded to within an hour.
All BATD systems also include the initial (remote) software setup, configuration and a 2 hour tutorial. Additionally all BATD systems include a 1 year subscription to our Proactive Maintenance and Premium Support. Premium support gives your almost instant access to our knowledgeable technical support team via email, phone, or chat. and Proactive Maintenance helps keep your system up to date.

cfi review
"I have more than 8,500 flight hours in different aircrafts (multi-engine, turbo prop, jet) and I have seen the whole step from analog instrumentation to digitalization of these. With my Realsimgear Cirrus Cockpit I enjoy and train for inter-island flights. For those who like instrument flights, this can be a great simulator. A real single-engine at home. A Realsimgear product for those who enjoy training and feel that it is something more real towards reality. I am 100% satisfied and plan to extend and improve my Realsimgear Cirrus cockpit in the future."Â
- Agustin Lorenzo on Mar 16, 2022

"First, I have no financial interest in this company or compensation. Second, this isn't my first rodeo, I have over 50 years flying experience. I have used many different commercial (professional) and home flight simulators. Many people make flight simulators--a few are even good. However Realsimgear distinguishes itself not only by producing a good product, but is the only company with excellent before and after sales support. No worries about what works, and what doesn't. If it says Realsimgear on the box, it works."
- Phil Mitchell, PhD. on June 22, 2022